Saturday, May 1

The American Industrial Food Pipeline

Although I am a total health freak, I've been becoming even more obsessed after beginning Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. The author, Barbara Kingsolver wrote this novel as a memoir and investigative journal about the American food system. Boy, has the quality of our food gone down. I've only read a couple chapters, but I'm already re-thinking the way I think about food. As Kingsolver claims, products (especially strawberries, other fruits) are shipped from California so we can have them all year around. But it's such a waste of energy and fuel to ship food everywhere. So, I went to a greenhouse today and bought tomato, broccoli, squash, onions, eggplant, green pepper, jalepeno pepper, and kohlarabi plants! I love vegetables. I should grow fruit as well. Kingsolver and her family move away from big city life to live in a rural town and grow all their food themselves, nothing artifical or shipped from out of town. I do believe the food industry is pretty out of control, so I find this novel pretty inspiring. I can't wait to read more. I'm so exhausted, so I'll write more later.
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: 76 pgs

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